Open Monday to Friday 10am to 5:30pm
About Us
Healthy Families Healthy Babies (HFHB) is a not for profit organization that was established in 1995 with the original purpose of offering a Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program(CPNP). The Dawson Shelter Society oversees our growing operations and this volunteer board of directors is responsible for policy and governance of our program and Centre. While we focus mainly on our CPNP mandate, we aim to increase our capacity in supporting families prenatally to those with children 5 years of age. The services we can provide for the growing population of Dawson depend on funding, staffing and of course environmental factors but we continue to advocate for sustainable supports for our children and families.
CPNP Guiding principles
There are 9 CPNP’s in the territory-each project unique and each offering various services based on its community’s needs with a special focus on….
Mothers and babies first
Equity and accessibility
Strengthening and supporting families
Types of CPNP Support
CPNP’s supports may include but are not limited to:
Prenatal vitamins
Food and food coupons
Food preparation training
Counselling in prenatal health and lifestyle
Breastfeeding education and support
Education and support on infant care and child development
Referrals to other agencies and services
Our HFHB Mission
To provide a safe and loving environment where families can visit year round with their children
To connect families together so that they can create their own extended family in the territory
Build relationships between community members, children, other agencies and organizations
Help families identify and connect with support services
Advocate for families and children
Our Board of Directors
Shelley Brown- President
Robin Westland - Vice-President
Debbie Wight - Secretary/Treasurer
Kirby Meister - Director
Lulu Keating - director